Friday, February 3, 2012


My last official blog was on the 10th december. I really cannot believe it has been that long. I have to say, the fitness side of things hasn't been very impressive. Before we left middlemount I said to both S and my PT I was worried that I would come back to "civilisation" with all the temptations (fast food, restaurants, nights out drinking) and I wouldnt cope, I would find myself falling back into old habits. And I have to say it was a bit of a self fulfilling prophecy. Its not even that I couldnt havent kept up the good work, I just let myself be slack. I also started working full time and I just felt so tiiiired. Christmas came and went, as did new years and my trip to Japan, cue lots of food and less exercise. I did throw in some compensary trips to the gym and some walks with the dogs, but really my heart wasnt in it. Overall I have put on around 2.5kgs, which I am counting my lucky stars it isnt more, but what I havent done is measure the cm's because I am sure they have crept back on which is why some of my clothes dont fit quite right.
Its sad, that I had all the right tools and the knowledge, but somehow I gave myself permission to get slack. The real wake up call has been recently, I have been watching friends find this wonderful motivation to become fitter and I have felt jealous, jealous that it wasnt me. And then I stopped and thought about it, why on earth isnt it me? Instead of reading about them, how about I just get my butt back into gear. Today S and I went to the gym, I did some intervals on the bike, 15mins of jogging on the treaddy and some weights. I feel a bit better but I know I have a ways to go to get myself back. I know I have it in me, I just have to reconnect with what it is I was working for.

Stay tuned.
Megs xx

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