Sunday, July 10, 2011

No words...

There are no words for my day today. I knew I wanted to head out for a run this morning, it was on the cards. I hadnt run all week and I was itching to get out there. I slept a little later than I would have liked, so I decided to try a different route. I got S to drop me off at the gym and the plan was to start from there. I reserve the weekends for my long runs - I have the security of S being a phone call away in case I have another 'gastrointestinal issue' or I hurt myself and I 120% have more time, especially lately. Anyways I digress, so I headed out from the gym. I knew I wanted to do a more circular route around town, my last long run that was similar was 7kms and took me an hour so I knew I at least wanted to match that. I got right around without much worries, the 1st k was a bit harder because I was running into a headwin and it was quite cold this morning and so when I breathed in it burnt a little. Actually it was during that first k that I thought I might not be headed for a very good run, I was starting to doubt myself a little. But two things happened that made me smile and change my mind.

1) I saw a sign on someone's garbage bin which said "Life's a garden - dig it".
2) A contractor who has been living next door to me, smiled and said hi and said it was a beautiful morning for a run. It was such a lovely little interaction that just perked me up.

After that I started to settle into a better rhythm and instead of focusing on my pace or how far I was going, I settled down and went with the flow of the music I was listening to. I came to a full loop and decided to go and backtrack a little and head towards home, I hit an hour when I decided to back track and was feeling okay. I had remembered to hydrate better and at this point I had a gel sachet to give me a carb boost as I hadnt eaten breakfast. I was cruising along and before I knew I was home. I checked my garmin and I had hit 8.86kms, now I had two options. I could stop or I could go another loop of my street which would have taken me to 10ks and I knew I had it in me. So i jogged past my house and kept moving. I made it back to my house, clocking a distance of 10.05kms in 1hr and 34minutes.

I couldnt believe it. 10k's was always something I kept in my mind, a goal well more a dream. I never thought I would actually be able to do it. Remember this is the girl who could run for 1-2mins at a time at the begining of the year. Who was obese, unhappy and tired all the time. When I stopped my legs just felt like they werent attached to my body anymore. During the final 1-1.5kms I had started to develop a sore spot on my foot. I knew it hurt, but I asked myself - can you live with the pain? Or is it too much and live with it I did.

In this run I overcame my mind, my pain and the elements. I gave it my all, which is all anyone can ask of you. Your all may not be 10ks, it may be 100metres but if you know in that 100metres that there was nothing else you could have given, that you surrended every doubt, every scrap of belief that you cant do it, then you know you have acomplished something great.

Take Care,
Megs x

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