Well seeing as I signed up to do the 5k fun run this weekend, I decided I should probably check to make sure I can still run :-D. Thankfully, I can. I did 5.2kms yesterday morning in 46minutes. Not my quickest run, but I havent run in two weeks since I got sick so I am feeling really positive about it. I am hoping to get out for a run tomorrow morning also, its my day off tomorrow and the plan is to do another run tomorrow and the have Fri/Sat without any sort of exercise (bar taking the dogs for a walk) to make sure I am completely rested for Sunday morning. This kind of idea is based on the concept of tapering, however I am not sure how applicable it is to smaller runs like a 5k. Basically tapering is that within the month before you do your competition run, you reduce the amount you run each week, and ideally in the week before you run 50-60% less than you normally would. It gives your muscles time to rest and rejuvinate, without you completely losing your form. Next week I will not do as many runs, possibly one or two in preparation, as this week I will have done a total of 15kms, which will be enough to prepare me for the following Sunday at Townsville.
I have to admit, the nerves are starting a little. As small in comparison as the fun run this week will be, I am feeling quite nervous and excited at the prospect. Just knowing I will have ran in and finished a fun run is beyond describable.
But back to reality, today I have to go to work and tomorrow I will try for another run.
Take Care,

Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Friday, July 22, 2011
Impromptu run...
I have been terribly, terrible in updating this blog of late. I have been sick, as well as completely overwhelmed with work and study and life in general. Sad to say that in this time not much training has happened, or much weight loss. The sickness really threw a curve ball in there and has made me feel physically weak, a sensation I havent felt for a long time.
About three weeks ago however, I saw a tiny little advert in our towns newsletter. It was a save the date. It was for a fun run, not much detail, just that there would be one on the 31st July, and you could do either 10 or 5k runs or a 5k walk. I was excited, a fun run in MY town - which is a mining town and not overly sporty at the moment with FIFO work becomming more dominant. So the next week I hung out for more detail but the tiny little ad had gone. This week, I was very excited to see it back in there, with more detail. Its run by the local sports association and its a fun run to raise money to finish the fitness walking paths around town. I had noticed in the last 3 odd months that more paths were being put in around town, I had no idea that the sports association were paying for them. Being sick the last week, I didnt even know if I would make the townsville run which is two weeks away, but when I got a registration form with my catalogues this afternoon I just KNEW I had to enter. So enter I will. I will be doing the 5k run, I am excited and nervous. Nervous I wont finish, nervous I will come last and nervous everyone will think I am fraud and not really a runner. But you know what, I am going to enter anway, because its important to me and it will be excellent training for the townsville 5k, which is a more serious competition.
So here I am, with a registration filled out for my second fun run and alot of nervous hope in my heart. Hopefully its a good day :-)
Take Care,
Megs x
About three weeks ago however, I saw a tiny little advert in our towns newsletter. It was a save the date. It was for a fun run, not much detail, just that there would be one on the 31st July, and you could do either 10 or 5k runs or a 5k walk. I was excited, a fun run in MY town - which is a mining town and not overly sporty at the moment with FIFO work becomming more dominant. So the next week I hung out for more detail but the tiny little ad had gone. This week, I was very excited to see it back in there, with more detail. Its run by the local sports association and its a fun run to raise money to finish the fitness walking paths around town. I had noticed in the last 3 odd months that more paths were being put in around town, I had no idea that the sports association were paying for them. Being sick the last week, I didnt even know if I would make the townsville run which is two weeks away, but when I got a registration form with my catalogues this afternoon I just KNEW I had to enter. So enter I will. I will be doing the 5k run, I am excited and nervous. Nervous I wont finish, nervous I will come last and nervous everyone will think I am fraud and not really a runner. But you know what, I am going to enter anway, because its important to me and it will be excellent training for the townsville 5k, which is a more serious competition.
So here I am, with a registration filled out for my second fun run and alot of nervous hope in my heart. Hopefully its a good day :-)
Take Care,
Megs x
Sunday, July 10, 2011
No words...
There are no words for my day today. I knew I wanted to head out for a run this morning, it was on the cards. I hadnt run all week and I was itching to get out there. I slept a little later than I would have liked, so I decided to try a different route. I got S to drop me off at the gym and the plan was to start from there. I reserve the weekends for my long runs - I have the security of S being a phone call away in case I have another 'gastrointestinal issue' or I hurt myself and I 120% have more time, especially lately. Anyways I digress, so I headed out from the gym. I knew I wanted to do a more circular route around town, my last long run that was similar was 7kms and took me an hour so I knew I at least wanted to match that. I got right around without much worries, the 1st k was a bit harder because I was running into a headwin and it was quite cold this morning and so when I breathed in it burnt a little. Actually it was during that first k that I thought I might not be headed for a very good run, I was starting to doubt myself a little. But two things happened that made me smile and change my mind.
1) I saw a sign on someone's garbage bin which said "Life's a garden - dig it".
2) A contractor who has been living next door to me, smiled and said hi and said it was a beautiful morning for a run. It was such a lovely little interaction that just perked me up.
After that I started to settle into a better rhythm and instead of focusing on my pace or how far I was going, I settled down and went with the flow of the music I was listening to. I came to a full loop and decided to go and backtrack a little and head towards home, I hit an hour when I decided to back track and was feeling okay. I had remembered to hydrate better and at this point I had a gel sachet to give me a carb boost as I hadnt eaten breakfast. I was cruising along and before I knew I was home. I checked my garmin and I had hit 8.86kms, now I had two options. I could stop or I could go another loop of my street which would have taken me to 10ks and I knew I had it in me. So i jogged past my house and kept moving. I made it back to my house, clocking a distance of 10.05kms in 1hr and 34minutes.
I couldnt believe it. 10k's was always something I kept in my mind, a goal well more a dream. I never thought I would actually be able to do it. Remember this is the girl who could run for 1-2mins at a time at the begining of the year. Who was obese, unhappy and tired all the time. When I stopped my legs just felt like they werent attached to my body anymore. During the final 1-1.5kms I had started to develop a sore spot on my foot. I knew it hurt, but I asked myself - can you live with the pain? Or is it too much and live with it I did.
In this run I overcame my mind, my pain and the elements. I gave it my all, which is all anyone can ask of you. Your all may not be 10ks, it may be 100metres but if you know in that 100metres that there was nothing else you could have given, that you surrended every doubt, every scrap of belief that you cant do it, then you know you have acomplished something great.
Take Care,
Megs x
1) I saw a sign on someone's garbage bin which said "Life's a garden - dig it".
2) A contractor who has been living next door to me, smiled and said hi and said it was a beautiful morning for a run. It was such a lovely little interaction that just perked me up.
After that I started to settle into a better rhythm and instead of focusing on my pace or how far I was going, I settled down and went with the flow of the music I was listening to. I came to a full loop and decided to go and backtrack a little and head towards home, I hit an hour when I decided to back track and was feeling okay. I had remembered to hydrate better and at this point I had a gel sachet to give me a carb boost as I hadnt eaten breakfast. I was cruising along and before I knew I was home. I checked my garmin and I had hit 8.86kms, now I had two options. I could stop or I could go another loop of my street which would have taken me to 10ks and I knew I had it in me. So i jogged past my house and kept moving. I made it back to my house, clocking a distance of 10.05kms in 1hr and 34minutes.
I couldnt believe it. 10k's was always something I kept in my mind, a goal well more a dream. I never thought I would actually be able to do it. Remember this is the girl who could run for 1-2mins at a time at the begining of the year. Who was obese, unhappy and tired all the time. When I stopped my legs just felt like they werent attached to my body anymore. During the final 1-1.5kms I had started to develop a sore spot on my foot. I knew it hurt, but I asked myself - can you live with the pain? Or is it too much and live with it I did.
In this run I overcame my mind, my pain and the elements. I gave it my all, which is all anyone can ask of you. Your all may not be 10ks, it may be 100metres but if you know in that 100metres that there was nothing else you could have given, that you surrended every doubt, every scrap of belief that you cant do it, then you know you have acomplished something great.
Take Care,
Megs x
Friday, July 8, 2011
Weigh in day......
It rolls around, doesn't ask if you're ready or if you want a couple more hours to prepare. This week I didnt lose again, thats two weeks without a kg loss. I have printed off some articles on plateau's, hopefully there will be some inspiration in there. I did however lose cm's. I think I mentioned I am not tracking cm's weekly anymore, I am doing it every 2-4 weeks. Well it has been 3 weeks since I last tracked and I am happy to say I lost another 13cm, taking my total cm loss to 98cm!!!
Now that feels pretty A-Mah-Zing.
New stats:
Sw: 121.3
Cw: 102.2
Ltw: 0
Ltd: 19.1
mini goal: 100
overall goal: 80
I have given myself two weeks to reach 100kgs, thats 1.1kgs a week and dammit I am going to do it. I NEED to do it. So thats my plan.
Take Care,
Megs x
Now that feels pretty A-Mah-Zing.
New stats:
Sw: 121.3
Cw: 102.2
Ltw: 0
Ltd: 19.1
mini goal: 100
overall goal: 80
I have given myself two weeks to reach 100kgs, thats 1.1kgs a week and dammit I am going to do it. I NEED to do it. So thats my plan.
Take Care,
Megs x
Sunday, July 3, 2011
A new PB.
I just love PB's. They bring a fresh and vibrant prospective of how awesome the body really is. Today I decided to do a treadmill run, in the afternoon, instead of my run this morning. Well, I did 5km in 39 minutes, 4.5minutes quicker than my last 5k on Tuesday and into the time bracket I am aiming for, for the Townsville 5k.
It was hard. I really had to flog my poor legs and they werent particuarly appreciative. I sweated and grunted but I got there. And it felt good. I feel like I have pushed through a new barrier. Last month I was flat, uninspired and just doing what I knew I had to do to maintain my weight loss. This month I feel like I am ready to give it my all again. Starting with a PT sesh tomorrow morning :)
Night all,
megs xx
It was hard. I really had to flog my poor legs and they werent particuarly appreciative. I sweated and grunted but I got there. And it felt good. I feel like I have pushed through a new barrier. Last month I was flat, uninspired and just doing what I knew I had to do to maintain my weight loss. This month I feel like I am ready to give it my all again. Starting with a PT sesh tomorrow morning :)
Night all,
megs xx
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Back on the wagon..
I was away at the begining of the week and ate ALOT of pasta. A spinach, pumpkin and ricotta ravioli in camembert sauce. You can just imagine it. It was delicious, but far to much. To top it off I was sitting on my butt for three days straight. I managed a 5k treadmill run on Tuesday afternoon, but mostly I was doing alot of butt sitting.
When I got home on Wednesday night I really felt flat. Thursday was a bust and Friday I was working. On top of that I got my periods. I decided to book in to see my PT friend E and get my booty back into it. I havent been doing my PT sessions, more running, but I think I need more of a balance between the two. This morning S and I took the dogs for a walk, we tackled the middlemount hill which is a 1k incline of torture. It was a great walk, 6kms in total once we walked to the hill, up the hill and then home. The doggies really enjoyed it. Then tonight I saw E and we focused on upper body weights. Was nice to see I havent really lost shape despite not doing as many weights.
Tomorrow I plan to do a small 5k run and then I am heading out for dinner, but I am going to be a bit more concious in what I am eating. No weigh in this week because of my periods - they tend to muck up what my actual loss is.
Night all,
Megs x
When I got home on Wednesday night I really felt flat. Thursday was a bust and Friday I was working. On top of that I got my periods. I decided to book in to see my PT friend E and get my booty back into it. I havent been doing my PT sessions, more running, but I think I need more of a balance between the two. This morning S and I took the dogs for a walk, we tackled the middlemount hill which is a 1k incline of torture. It was a great walk, 6kms in total once we walked to the hill, up the hill and then home. The doggies really enjoyed it. Then tonight I saw E and we focused on upper body weights. Was nice to see I havent really lost shape despite not doing as many weights.
Tomorrow I plan to do a small 5k run and then I am heading out for dinner, but I am going to be a bit more concious in what I am eating. No weigh in this week because of my periods - they tend to muck up what my actual loss is.
Night all,
Megs x
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