New Stats:
Sw: 121.3
Cw: 103.4
Ltw: -0.7
Ltd: 17.9kgs
mini goal: 100kgs
Overall goal: 85kgs
S and I had a competition on the weekend as well. We mapped a route that turned out to be 5.2kms and then I jogged it and he sprinted/walked it. It took S 37minutes and it took me 44minutes. He was already in the shower by the time I got home LOL. But I did make a personal best, my 5k time was 42.35minutes which is a bit over two minutes shaved off my time. My goal to do the Townsville 5k in 35-40minutes is looking like a real possibility.
I also went for a jog yesterday afternoon, I had spent the whole day sitting on my ass studying and bank appointments and I was going crazy, so I headed out mid afternoon to let off some steam. There was a new route that I wanted to try which turned out to be 6.5km and I jogged it straight. It took me an hour and one minute but I finished. I didnt feel too bad at the end except for some tightness in my left calf but I think thats because I had favoured it the night before at a circuit class I went to and it was feeling a bit precious. I bought myself a new braclet to celebrate the distance :-)
A lady I have got to know shared a picture on FB that really resonates with me. This wonderful lady has lost 47kgs though a healthy lifestyle and exercise and I find her a huge inspiration! She has a great outlook on life, very similar to what I am trying to achieve! (Tee hee, shout out L).
Back to study, Take Care...
Megs x
*Mwah* Right back at ya! You inspire ME!! When I saw this pic I thought of you xxx