Friday, February 4, 2011


Welcome, welcome.
This is my new and improved weight loss blog :) I am very excited to finally have a blog I am happy with up and running and cannot wait to start writing down my weight loss journey. Something I hope to look back on and just be blown away with how far I have come.
To begin with, a few things about me. I am a happily married woman, living in central queensland with my husband and our brood of animals which include three cats, two dogs and a budgie. I am a final year registered nursing student, with a passion for health care! I have struggled with my weight for the better part of four years now. After begining to date my lovely husband "S", I fell into the lovely comfort zone that is commitment, however, it was also during this time I developed poly cystic ovarian syndrome and my thyroid became to lose steam. As a result I managed to go from a overweight weight of 95kgs in 2006, to a whopping 121.3kgs during 2009. It was on my 23rd birthday that I decided enough and was enough and joined weight watchers in Nov 2009. I had sucess during the first few months, managing to lose 10kgs and dropping a dress size (I went from a 22-24 to a 20-22). But for the remaining part of 2010 my weight loss slowed.
Why? Well if I were to be honest it was through a combination of poor food choices (I was essentially cheating the weight watchers points system) and a decrease in exercise again. During this time I managed to put on 2kgs of the 10kgs I lost. But with a new year, came a new set of resolutions. I am determined by years end I will be at, AT LEAST 100kgs. I desperately want to be a mum, having a child with S would be so very awesome, but I know that being unhealthy, is certainly not a great start. So for the next 12 months, and really for the rest of my life, I am determined to get my butt back into gear.
My vices
 Well things I absolutely love include cheese pizza's, chocolate milk, chocolate in general and bread. I am a vegetarian and despite "living" on vegetables, I certainly have managed to find the most unhealthiest I could.
My goals. My ultimate goal is to be healthy and happy. Which seems like a no brainer, but with food consuming a significant portion of my life, its time to start re-evaluating how they can co-exist together in harmony. My smaller goals include another 10kg weight loss by the end of the year, with a 5kg loss by June/July. My overall weight goal is to be at 80-85kgs, but I know I have alot of work ahead of me. I am determined to go to the gym at least three times a week, stick to my weight watchers points at least 5 of the 7 days and walk my dogs every second day (which is the norm already) and swim and play tennis on the odd occasion.
My Dream Will probably sound a little silly. I have always loved Lorna Jane clothing. But unfortunately they only go to a size 16 or XL. My dream and a dream which S will help come true, is to be able to walk into a Lorna Jane Store a healthy and fit size and buy myself the clothes I have always dreamed of wearing.
My Stats (starting stats)
Start Weight: 121.3 (Nov 2009)
Current Weight: 112.9
Weight Loss to Date: 8.4kgs
Mini Goal: 100kgs
Overall Goal: 80-85kgs

I have a weigh in tomorrow which I will come back and update on. My weigh in days are saturdays :)

We can do this xxx

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